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1.红烧海参 sea slugs with brown sauce
2.鸡绒海参 sea slugs with chicken cream
3.海参锅巴 sea slugs with crisp rice
4.什锦海参 mixed sea slugs
5.虾子海参 shrimp eggs & sea slugs
6.红烧明虾 fried prawns with brown sauce
7.炸明虾 prawn cutlets
8.烧明虾 broiled Prawns with chili sauce
9.椒盐明虾 prawns with spiced salt
10.煎明虾段 fried prawns sections
11.干烧龙虾 broiled lobster with chili sauce
12.铁扒龙虾 grilled lobster
13.烤龙虾 broiled lobster
14.龙虾浓汽 bisque of lobster
15.腰果虾仁 fried shrimps with cashew nuts
16.笋炒虾仁 fried shrimps with bamboo shoots
17.青豆虾仁 fried shrimps with green peas
18.茄汁虾仁 fried shrimps with tomato sauce
19.清炒虾仁 shrimps saute
20.虾仁豆腐 shrimps with bean curd